Toronto Image Works had such a great time at the Live Auction Fundraiser hosted by SNAP in support of people living with and at risk of HIV in Toronto. @act.toronto
SNAP raised more than $350,000 for their programs and services! Congrats! 🎉
Toronto Image Works is a proud supporter of this incredible event.
Thank you to all the wonderful people smiling in this reel:
Emilie Croning @emcroning
Joshua Rille @jjjjjjjoshua
Sam Katz @the_sam_katz
Liam Mackenzie @liammackenziephoto
Kristin Sjaarda @ksjaar
James Fowler @jamesfowlerart
Benjamin Freedman @benfreed
Team TIW - Oskar @gr0uch_ Dylan @thisriver Jodi @hyper_echo_art Gabrielle @gabrielletyrie & Olga @ouilya
Jeannie Baxter & David Brandy @davidbrandyphotography
Sonja & Kelly of Akasha @akashaart
#printedattoimageworks #framedattoimageworks #torontoartscene #auction #artauction #fundraiser #toimageworks @danielsspectrum
We are fascinated with these most recent prints by Jack Burman. These new works come with thanks to Jorge Ardila and Angela Milana. @jack.burman.thedead
Canadian photographer Jack Burman looks for meaning in preserved bodies (and body parts) from around the world that have been preserved for scientific and occasionally religious purposes.
Printed as inkjet glossy.
#printedattoimageworks #photography #fineartprint #photoprint #inkjetprinting #jackburman #toimageworks
We love the nostalgia in these wonderful Chromogenic prints by Logan Rayment. @loganrayment
You can see them in person during his show “The Veteran’s Archive”. ON NOW at the Image Centre Student Gallery until April 5th. @imagecentreto
In The Veteran’s Archive, Logan Rayment reconstructs the fragmented legacy of his great-grandfather Norman, a Royal Canadian Air Force member during the Second World War, through a mix of archival imagery, family memory, and personal intervention.
Printed as Matte C-prints, mounted to White Sintra with metal hanging cleats.
#printedattoimageworks #cprint #chromogenic #chromogenicprint #photoprint #photolab #toimageworks
We love the harmonious balance in these beautiful prints by Ned Pratt. @edwith_an_n
You can see them in person during his exhibition at Nicholas Metivier Gallery. “From Salmonier to Path End: New Works” opens March 22 and runs until April 17th, 2025. There will be an opening reception with the artist in attendance on Saturday, March 22nd from 1-3PM. @metiviergallery
“Newfoundland gives you time. My familiarity and memories of places I knew as a child gives me time. I don’t feel rushed to make observations in a landscape I love and know intimately. It is a landscape that is sometimes vast and foreboding and at other times gentle, but it is always sublime.” - Ned Pratt
Printed as inkjet Lustre, mounted to white ACP
#printedattoimageworks #fineartphotography #landscapephotography #photographyexhibition #newfoundland #toimageworks
We are thrilled to be the Exclusive Print + Framing Sponsor for SNAP again this year. @act.toronto
Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire remarkable photographic art that will inspire, provoke, and leave a lasting impression, while supporting people living with and at risk of HIV.
* Friday, March 21, 2025
* Daniels Spectrum: 585 Dundas Street E, Toronto
* 7:00pm Until Late
Featured in this reel is a selection of the Photographic art coming to the live auction by the following artists:
Kriss Munsya - @krissmunsya
Kristin Sjaarda - @ksjaar
Liam Mackenzie - @liammackenziephoto
Meryl McMaster - @meryl_mcmaster
Lucas Murnaghan Photography Studio - @lucasmurnaghan
Sage Szkabarnicki-Stuart - @sageszk
Sandeep TK - @t.k.sandeep
Sarah Palmer - @sarahpalmerphoto
Stacey Tyrell - @styrell
Sydney Pascal - @sydney.f.pascal
Tom Hsu - @tomhsu
Bulger Gallery - @stephenbulgergallery
Will Aitken - @will.aitken.393
Thank you to the wonderful SNAP team that we have been working so closely with:
Sam Katz - Director of Philanthropy & Communications @the_sam_katz
Craig D’Arville - Committee Co-chair @cdarville
Melanie Trojkovi - Committee Co-chair @melooktranscribe
David Gonzalez - Communications Coordinator @davidgunzalez
#printedattoimageworks #framedattoimageworks #art #photography #auction #toronto #torontoartscene @danielsspectrum #toimageworks
Salon 44 has an incredible collection of framed and unframed works available for purchase! All proceeds from the sale of the artworks directly supports Gallery 44’s charitable mission to support artists through meaningful production, education, and exhibition opportunities. @g44photo Toronto Image Works is a proud Supporter of Gallery 44.
If you missed the opening or would like a more intimate visit to the exhibition, Join The gallery on the final day of Salon 44 for an exhibition tour with co-chairs Solana Cain, Sayem Khan and Maegan Broadhurst.
Closing Tour: Saturday, March 15, 11:00AM
Featured in this reel are the wonderful pieces printed and/or framed at Toronto Image Works:
Lesia Miga - @lesiagm
Cat Belshaw - @catbelshaw
Cruz - @vnyvc
WOO SEE-MING - @wooseeming
Fed Lum - @2manycameras
Ariyo Bahar - @ariyo________
Ben Freedman - @benfreed
Kriss Munsya - @krissmunsya
Katherine Melancon -
Amara King - @_amaraking
Michaëlle Sergile - @michaellesergile
Leila Fatemi - @localeila
Dainesha Nugent-Palache - @notsad.jpg
#printedattoimageworks #framedattoimageworks #torontoartscene #photography #gallery #artgallery #gallery44 #toimageworks
We are thrilled to be the Exclusive Print + Framing Sponsor for SNAP again this year. @act.toronto
Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire remarkable photographic art that will inspire, provoke, and leave a lasting impression, while supporting people living with and at risk of HIV.
* Friday, March 21, 2025
* Daniels Spectrum: 585 Dundas Street E, Toronto
* 7:00pm Until Late
Featured in this reel is a selection of the Photographic art coming to the live auction by the following artists:
Dayna Danger - @daynadanger
Delali Cofie - @delali.cofie
Ernesto Cabral de Luna - @abrokeniris
Geoffrey Cheung - @geoffrey.l.cheung
Gun Roze @gunroze7
Jah Grey - @jahgrey
Jaiden George - @jaidengeorge
Joshua Rille - @jjjjjjjoshua
Justin Anantawan - @justin_anantawan
Katherine Takpannie - @itiitiq
Thank you to the wonderful SNAP team that we have been working so closely with:
Sam Katz - Director of Philanthropy & Communications @the_sam_katz
Craig D’Arville - Committee Co-chair @cdarville
Melanie Trojkovi - Committee Co-chair @melooktranscribe
David Gonzalez - Communications Coordinator @davidgunzalez
#printedattoimageworks #framedattoimageworks #art #artauction #photography #toronto #torontoartscene @danielsspectrum #toimageworks
We love the tranquility and composition in these beautiful fine art prints by Peter Dušek. @peter.dusek These pieces are part of 11 that are on display at his Gallery in Creemore. “Free and Easy Wandering” explores the beauty of Ontario’s landscape through the lens of minimalism. The show Opens March 8th with the exhibition showing for the next 2-3 months.
Free and Easy Wandering
“Every day, I journey through life. Days string together, a lifetime forms. And when I look at the whole, the path is never straight. It may go this way or it may go that way; which way it turns and where it leads, I don’t know. And yet I started at the beginning, and will arrive at the end. That I know. I let the world and nature tell me where to go. Though I pick the path, I don’t force it. I wander freely and easily.”
#printedattoimageworks #framedattoimageworks #fineartphotography #fineartprints #customframing #landscape #toimageworks #creemore
We recently had the pleasure to work with the Special Collections Department of the Toronto Public Library on some very special paintings.
Watch as we expertly capture, colour match, print and frame these amazing pieces by J.W. Beatty & A.J. Casson.
With these paintings professionally digitized and printed, the originals can stay safe while the replicates can be enjoyed publicly and safely by all.
We are so fortunate at TIW to be in the presence of such wonderful pieces of Canadian History. Thank you to the Toronto Public Library for trusting us with these beautiful treasures. @torontolibrary
#capturedattoimageworks #printedattoimageworks #framedattoimageworks #tpl #toronto #canadianart #archive #toimageworks
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